organisation et animation de votre sortie d'entreprise culinaire sur le thème de l'outdoor cooking partout en Suisse


Live the unique experience of cooking outside !

With this unique activity, your will lean the old outdoor cooking techniques and the smoking techniques.

Experimentation and organization in team. This activity is enjoyable, and everybody will have a key role. You do not have to be a big chef to participate.

During this culinary activity, you will have to realize a complete menu under the supervision of our Chefs! In the spirit of the American pioneers and the woodcutters of the region, live a culinary entertainment with a Spirit of the Wild.

Our Chefs will guide you, step by step, to each part of the realization of your menu. Once this cooking workshop will be finished, place to the degustation!

You will have to build your barbecue, prepare different meals with limited means and even cook your bred!

An extraordinary experience!

  • Lieux : Fribourg Geneva Neuchâtel Valais Vaud
  • Languages: English French
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Participants: From 25 to 100 people
  • Period: From April to September
  • Target: All audience
  • Price: 179 CHF/pers
  • Include: soft drinks and 3 dl of wine per person